Rabbi Ari Enkin - "Walk the walk - Halacha and Middot"

Rabbi Ari N. Enkin, a resident of Ramat Beit Shemesh, is a researcher and writer of contemporary halachic issues. He teaches halacha one-on-one online, including a popular semicha program, to students all over the world. Rabbi Enkin is the author of the “Dalet Amot of Halacha” series (9 volumes), Rabbinic Director of United with Israel, a Ram at Yeshivat Lev HaTorah. rabbiari@hotmail.com.

1. Which person book or event transformed your ideas, thinking, or perspective? 

Halacha sefarim. I believe that halacha is the most important area of Torah study. The Piskei Teshuvos is a sefer that I use every single day for years already. 

2.  What area of Jewish life needs the most emphasis?

Always working on improving my middos (Editor translation: character traits), interpersonal skills, manners, etiquette, and diplomacy. Where I see myself having 'slipped' in these area I endeavor to quickly improve. 

3.    What Jewish message does the world need to hear?

"Be nice to others, God is watching" 

4. What is one way that you spoil yourself a little?

Showering 365 days a year 

5. What do you consider as your biggest achievement in the last 5-10 years?

See # 2

6. If you were to give advice to your younger self, what would it be?

Don't waste time. Whatever you do, just don't waste time. Always be doing something productive. 

7. What area do you see that Rabanim do not stress enough?

Not giving people the respect and attention they deserve 

8. How do you get back on track if you have had an unproductive or distracted period?


9. Give one tip for these Corona times

Listen to the health authorities. Wear masks and wash hands often.


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